Entire graphic design system developed for the 739th edition, in 2012, of Sagra dei Osei (in Friulian, in Italian would be Sagra degli Ucelli), which is a folkloric bird festival that takes place in the city of Sacile (Italy) every year since 1273.

The accurate and detailed illustrative language of the communication attracts the attention directly to the bird, the most important topic of this festival. Even if some decades ago used to include, little by little, more touristic activities around the market, they decided to get back to the origins 8 centuries ago and keep going with the specialized tradition of birds exhibition. There are two different illustrations: one with the bird looking to the top for the vertical format and the other one with the same position but opening the wings for the horizontal layout.

The typography layout is visible enough in red over the soft grey without taking importance to the illustration. The use of capital letters on the information does not saturate the composition because of its wide space between letters. When the background of a smaller poster is full of color by the illustration, the letters appear in white and the information appears on the back.

Elisa Vendramin & Claudio Gasparollo / Italy / via: Behance